Day 23: UI Menus

Today we took a deeper dive into Unity’s UI system to create a more advanced Start Menu as well as a Credits Page and a Quit button. As most of this involved demonstrating settings, it is recommended that students view…

Day 21: Scene Management

Today we took a look at the Scene Manager, which allows us to make the jump out of our scene and into new ones. This introduces some challenges when we want to retain information or objects between these scenes, and…

Day 20: Animation (part 2)

Today we dive deeper into the Animator Controller, which operates much the same way as our state engine, transitioning us between clips based upon parameters that we will set via scripts. We also look at how to animate properties beyond…

Day 19: Animation (part 1)

It’s time to bring our world to life. Starting today and continuing into tomorrow, we will dive into the wonderful world of animation, specifically how animation is implemented in our engine.

Day 18: Camera Control & Triggers

Today we continued to develop our platform game by making our camera smoothly follow the player throughout the environment, implementing our ruleset for how the player can move through the environment (forward only, please!) and finally we added an enemy…

Day 17: Sprites & Tilemaps

Today we dive into Sprites – the 2D images that make up the elements of our games. We examined how to import and properly configure these images, split Sprite Sheets into multiple sprites, how to convert sprite into Tiles, and…

Day 16: 2D Character Controller

Unity has a bunch of great components that make game development much easier, but one thing they are still missing is a 2D version of a Character Controller. So today we found a 2D controller that uses 2D Physics and…