
Course Links

  • Course Resources Folder [Box] – this folder contains support files and zipped snapshots of the project after each day’s presentation. (Log-in Required)

Helpful Links

  • Unity Download Archive – Should you find yourself in need of a previous version of Unity, you can access every released version here. This is especially helpful when you have multiple people working on the same project, as your versions must sync.
  • Unity Scripting API – Unity provides detailed documentation for their scripting library. Need to research a class or figure out how to implement a function? This site has you covered along with helpful examples of implementation.
  • Unity Asset Store – Unity’s marketplace for everything you need to create a game, with many assets available for free. This is an excellent resource for assets to include in your game such as sounds or sprites. (Just make sure that you review the course rules on use and attribution before including them in your project!)